Repair VW Sharan

. Diesel engines: 1,9 l TDI.
+ 1. Introduction
- 2. Engine VR6
   + 2.1. Cнятие and installation
   + 2.2. Dismantling and assemblage
   - 2.3. A head of the block of cylinders and valves
      2.3.1. Removal of a head of the block of cylinders
      2.3.2. Dismantling of a head of the block of cylinders
      2.3.3. Repair of a head of the block of cylinders
      2.3.4. Assemblage of a head of the block of cylinders
      2.3.5. Installation of a head of the block of cylinders
      2.3.6. A hydraulic pusher
   + 2.4. Pistons and rods
   2.5. The block of cylinders
   + 2.6. A cranked shaft and radical bearings
   + 2.7. A mechanism drive газораспределения
   2.8. An intermediate shaft
   2.9. Compression check in engine cylinders
   + 2.10. System of release of the fulfilled gases
+ 3. The two-litre engine (ADY)
+ 4. System of greasing of the engine
+ 5. Cooling system
+ 6. System of injection of fuel of engine VR6
+ 7. System Simos of injection of fuel of the 2,0-litre engine
+ 8. Ignition system
+ 9. Coupling
+ 10. A mechanical 5-step transmission
+ 11. Shaft of a drive of wheels
+ 12. The steering hydraulic booster
+ 13. A forward suspension bracket
+ 14. A back suspension bracket
+ 15. Brake system
+ 16. An electric equipment
+ 17. The diesel engine
+ 18. System of greasing of the diesel engine
+ 19. System of cooling of the diesel engine
+ 20. The power supply system of the diesel engine and turbocharger
+ Maintenance service card
+ Specifications and characteristics
+ Electroschemes

Folksvagen Sharan/Sharan repair>> Engine VR6>> Head of the block of cylinders and valves>> Repair of a head of the block of cylinders
Springs of valves and directing plugs of valves
For the high-grade control of springs of valves it is necessary to use the special tool for check of springs. If it is not present, then establish springs abreast on a smooth surface so that closed накатка was in the bottom part. Put near to a spring a steel corner and measure a backlash between the top part of a spring and a corner. The backlash should not make more than 2,0 mm. Otherwise the spring is warped.
Directing plugs of valves

Fig. 38. The control of palpation of a core of the valve in the directing plug by means of measuring device VW387

The control of palpation of a core of the valve in the directing plug is carried out by means of measuring device VW387, стрелочного the indicator (fig. 38).

Fig. 37. Details of the mechanism of a drive of valves: 1 — a hydraulic pusher; 2 — half of core of the valve (crackers); 3 — the top plate of a spring of the valve; 4 — valve springs; 5 — маслоотражательный a cap; 6 — the directing plug of the valve; 7 — a head of the block of cylinders; 8 — valves; a — height of a head of the block of cylinders

Shake a valve plate in the top part forward-back and check up indications стрелочного the indicator. If it shows size more than 1,0 mm on inlet valves, and more than 1,3 mm — on final it is necessary to replace directing plug of the valve. It is necessary to check up also the general condition of a head of the block of cylinders before replacing directing plugs of valves. A head of the block of cylinders with small scratches between saddles of valves or between a saddle of the valve and a carving of an aperture of a candle can be переточены and are used repeatedly provided that the width of scratches does not exceed 0,5 mm. After a repoint of a head of the block of cylinders the size a (fig. 37 see) should be not less than 139,50 mm. It is the minimum size. The nominal size of height of a head of the block of cylinders makes (140 ± 0,1) mm. Measurements should be spent either a calliper, or a measuring ruler, having put a head of the block of cylinders on an equal surface;
- Put a head of the block of cylinders on a pressing table for removal of the directing plug of the valve;

Fig. 39. Выпрессовывание the directing plug of the valve. New plugs запрессовываются from the same party

- Removal of the directing plug of the valve is made them выпрессовыванием from outside camshafts of a head of the block of cylinders (fig. 39) by means of a punch.
The head of the block of cylinders can be heated up to facilitate this work. On a punch it is necessary to fasten a pin which approaches on the size to an inside of the directing plug of the valve:
- At replacement of the directing plug of the valve change also the valve. Then it is necessary переточить saddles of valves;
- New directing plugs of valves before installation grease with engine oil and впрессуйте them from outside camshafts in a cold head of the block of cylinders so that the fillet of the directing plug of the valve has entered into a head of the block of cylinders. Pressure запрессовки thus should not be more than 1 т, otherwise the fillet can be cut off. The head of the block of cylinders should lie on absolutely flat surface;
- After запрессовки develop apertures in the directing plug of inlet and final valves development on 7,0 mm;
- After replacement of directing plugs of valves of a saddle of valves it is necessary to grind in;
- After grinding in carefully wash out saddles and channels of a head of cylinders and blow compressed air.
Saddles of valves
Check and repair grew grey valves it is spent as follows:

Fig. 40. Saddles of inlet valves: a — diameter of a saddle of the valve (look the table of adjustments and the control); b — the maximum size after repair; c — width of a saddle of the valve, 1,7 mm; z — a bottom edge of a head of the block of cylinders; 30 ° — the top adjustment corner; 45 ° — a corner of a facet of a saddle of the valve; 75 ° — the bottom adjustment corner

- Check up all saddles of valves on deterioration and presence of scratches. On working facets of saddles (a zone of contact to valves) there should not be dot bowls, corrosion and damages. Small damages can be eliminated grinding of saddles — 45 ° a mill. Thus remove as less as possible metal. It is possible to grind as manually, and by means of the grinding machine. If saddles are worn out strongly them follows отфрезеровать anew. The form of facets of saddles of valves is shown on

Fig. 41. Saddles of final valves: a — diameter of a saddle of the valve (look the table of adjustments and the control); b — the maximum size after repair; c – width of a saddle of the valve, 2,4 mm; z — a bottom edge of a head of the block of cylinders; 30 ° — the top adjustment corner; 45 ° — a corner of a facet of a saddle of the valve

- Spend following gaugings to observe the sizes b, for this purpose:
- Insert the valve into its directing plug and press a valve saddle;

Fig. 42. Measurement of height of a ledge of the end of a core of the valve over an upper edge of a head of the block of cylinders

- Measure height of a ledge of the end of a core of the valve over an upper edge of a head of the block of cylinders (fig. 42). For this purpose put on a plane of a head of the block of cylinders a measuring ruler. On inlet valves it should make 33,9 mm, and on final valves — 34,1 mm;
- Calculate size b for what it is necessary to subtract the minimum distance from the measured size.
It is necessary not to chisel a saddle of valves in a head of the block of cylinders too strongly. Saddles of valves follows отфрезеровать and in the event that new directing plugs have been established. For this purpose it is necessary:
- Slightly to process a mill at an angle 45 ° and after that mill at an angle 30 ° upper edge of a saddle of the valve, to reduce width of a saddle from the valve and to finish it to value of 1,7 mm — for inlet and 2,0 mm — for final valves. Processing should be stopped, as soon as the sizes of a saddle of the valve will reach the specified sizes. Saddles of final valves have terminators of diameter. At processing carrying out watch to damaging these terminators;

Fig. 43. Grinding of the valve by means of a sucker

- Grind the processed saddles of valves. For this purpose put on a saddle of the valve a small amount притирочной diamond paste and establish the valve in a corresponding saddle. Attach on the valve a sucker and rotate the valve with its help forward-back (fig. 43);
- Check up a valve saddle in a place of a plate of the valve and a sealing ring. The continuous, matte ring on both details should be visible;
- Put a pencil some hyphens on a ring in a valve plate. Hyphens should be drawn round a ring with an interval about 1 mm. After that cautiously insert the valve into directing plug, lower it on a saddle and turn on a circle on 90 °, making the valve small effort;
- Take out the valve and check up, whether the lines put by a pencil from a sealing ring have disappeared;
- After grinding in carefully clear all parts of a dirt and притирочной pastes. If the width of a saddle of the valve corresponds to the specified sizes the head of the block of cylinders can be established. Otherwise saddles of valves are necessary for processing repeatedly or as a last resort to establish a new head of the block of cylinders.
Remove a deposit from valves. Check up, whether the core is deformed and whether there are no cracks on a plate, for what:

Fig. 44. The control sizes of valves: a — diameter of a plate of the valve; b — diameter of a core of the valve; c — length of the valve

- Spend gaugings according to fig. 44 and replace all valves inappropriate to these sizes. a, b and c it is possible to take sizes from the table of admissions and the control;
- If the end of a core of the valve it can be ground on the grinding machine tool provided that at polishing than 0,50 mm of metal will be removed no more is worn out;

Fig. 45. The sizes at grinding of facets of valves: a = 45 °; a = a maximum of 3,5 mm; b = a minimum of 0,5 mm

- Plates of inlet valves can be ground on the machine tool for grinding of valves provided that size b (fig. 45) will be not less than 0,5 mm.

The prevention
Grinding on the machine tool is inadmissible for final valves as they are made of a special material. Only grinding in by means of paste it is possible to try to result again final valves in norm. Otherwise it is necessary to replace them.

Head of the block of cylinders
Carefully wash up a head of the block of cylinders and clear oil channels. Remove a deposit from chambers of combustion and from a surface of final channels a metal brush. Carefully clean contact planes of a head of the block of cylinders and the block of cylinders. Examine a head of the block of cylinders. On support under necks of a camshaft and in apertures under pushers of valves should not be задиров and damages. Cracks in any places of a head of the block of cylinders are not supposed.

Fig. 46. Check of a head of the block of cylinders on deformation by means of a measuring ruler and щупа

Check up a surface of a head of the block of cylinders on deformation (fig. 46).
For this purpose put on a head a measuring ruler and by means of measuring щупа check up a backlash lengthways, across and on a diagonal. If it does not exceed 0,10 mm the head of the block of cylinders can be ground. In a case if the backlash in any place is more, it is necessary to replace a head of the block of cylinders, as removal большего a metal layer can negatively affect an engine compression.
Camshafts are not interchangeable first of all because of presence on one of them of the Hall gauge. Shaft differ under number for the order of spare parts.
At survey of camshafts pay attention to surfaces of basic necks (the location of bearings), cams which should be well polished and not have damages. If traces of jamming or deep risks are found out, it is necessary to replace a camshaft.
Before installation of camshafts it is necessary to perform following works:

Fig. 47. Measurement of radial palpation of a camshaft

- Establish a camshaft extreme necks on two prisms or between clips of a lathe and establish the measuring device in a place of the average bearing (neck) of a camshaft (fig. 47);
- Slowly rotate a camshaft and watch indications of the measuring device. If on instrument readings radial palpation exceeds 0,01 mm the camshaft should be replaced as it is deformed. In the similar way check up the second shaft;

Fig. 48. Measurement of an axial backlash of a camshaft

- For measurement of an axial backlash of camshafts, insert both of them in a head of the block of cylinders (without pushers), fix extreme bearings and place a head of the block of cylinders on a flat surface. Establish the measuring device from an end face of a head of the block of cylinders and shake a shaft forward-back in an axial direction (fig. 48, it is shown by arrows). The axial backlash should not exceed 0,15 mm. Otherwise the working surface of a cover of the bearing is worn out.