Repair VW Sharan

. Diesel engines: 1,9 l TDI.
+ 1. Introduction
- 2. Engine VR6
   + 2.1. Cнятие and installation
   + 2.2. Dismantling and assemblage
   - 2.3. A head of the block of cylinders and valves
      2.3.1. Removal of a head of the block of cylinders
      2.3.2. Dismantling of a head of the block of cylinders
      2.3.3. Repair of a head of the block of cylinders
      2.3.4. Assemblage of a head of the block of cylinders
      2.3.5. Installation of a head of the block of cylinders
      2.3.6. A hydraulic pusher
   + 2.4. Pistons and rods
   2.5. The block of cylinders
   + 2.6. A cranked shaft and radical bearings
   + 2.7. A mechanism drive газораспределения
   2.8. An intermediate shaft
   2.9. Compression check in engine cylinders
   + 2.10. System of release of the fulfilled gases
+ 3. The two-litre engine (ADY)
+ 4. System of greasing of the engine
+ 5. Cooling system
+ 6. System of injection of fuel of engine VR6
+ 7. System Simos of injection of fuel of the 2,0-litre engine
+ 8. Ignition system
+ 9. Coupling
+ 10. A mechanical 5-step transmission
+ 11. Shaft of a drive of wheels
+ 12. The steering hydraulic booster
+ 13. A forward suspension bracket
+ 14. A back suspension bracket
+ 15. Brake system
+ 16. An electric equipment
+ 17. The diesel engine
+ 18. System of greasing of the diesel engine
+ 19. System of cooling of the diesel engine
+ 20. The power supply system of the diesel engine and turbocharger
+ Maintenance service card
+ Specifications and characteristics
+ Electroschemes

Folksvagen Sharan/Sharan repair>> Engine VR6>> Head of the block of cylinders and valves>> Removal of a head of the block of cylinders

Fig. 26. Details of the top part of a head of the block of cylinders: 1 — bolts (5 Н·м); 2 — the central cover (over the top part of the inlet pipeline); 3 — bolts (25 Н·м); 4 — holders of wires of spark plugs; 5 — the holder of a cable throttle заслонки; 6 — a back left arm of the top part of the inlet pipeline; 7 — a stopper of a mouth for an oil gulf; 8 — a sealing lining; 9 — the ventilating valve картера; 10 — a ring in a cover of a head of the block of cylinders; 11 — a nut (10 Н·м); 12 — a cover of a head of the block of cylinders; 13 — a sealing lining of a cover of a head of the block of cylinders; 14 — holders топливопроводов; 15 — a bolt (10 Н·м); 16 — a vacuum hose; 17 — a sealing lining of the top part of an inlet collector; 18 — the top part of an inlet collector; 19 — a back right arm of the top part of the inlet pipeline

Details which are required to be removed to dismantle a head of the block of cylinders from the block of cylinders, are shown on fig. 26.
Head of the block of cylinders remove from the engine on the car if for malfunction elimination it is not required to assort all engine. Removal of a head of the block of cylinders carry out in a following order:
- Disconnect the plug «–» from АБ;
- Remove the top part of the air filter;
- Separate штекерные sockets of the switch throttle заслонки, a heating element, the gauge of the mass expense of air and the gauge of temperature of inlet air;
- Take the ventilating valve картера 9 (fig. 26 see) of a cover of a head of the block of cylinders 12;
- Disconnect from the top part of an inlet collector 18 vacuum hose of 16 systems with the activated coal. Thus watch, that the hose did not concern other details;
- Remove воздухопроводный a hose with the gauge of the mass expense of air from the case throttle заслонки;
- Remove high voltage wires (ВН) from spark plugs;

Fig. 27. The top part of an inlet collector: 1, 3, 4 — directing high voltage wires; 2 — the central cover

- Remove directing 1, 3, and 4 (fig. 27) wires ВН and turn away the bolts 1 shown on fig. 26, and remove the central cover 2 top parts of an inlet collector;
- Remove a cable of a drive throttle заслонки together with its support for what turn away a support and take the cable end. Do not pull out a clip keeping a cable throttle заслонки in a support as adjustment of a tension of a cable throttle заслонки in this case will be necessary;
- Open a cover of a broad tank of system of cooling to remove possible surplus of pressure, and merge cooling liquid;
- Mark attached to the case throttle заслонки hoses of system of cooling and remove them from unions;
- Disconnect a vacuum hose of the inlet valve for secondary system of giving of air;
- Disconnect a vacuum hose of the amplifier of a brake drive from an inlet collector. A place of this connection 16 (fig. 26 see);
- Take топливопроводы (a supply and fuel tap) from holders 14 on a head of the block of cylinders and cautiously disconnect fuel hoses. Before removal of hoses wind a thick rag round a junction as the fuel system is under pressure;
- Turn away directing tube масломерного щупа, located in the bottom of an inlet collector;
- Turn away bolts of fastening and remove back left 6 (fig. 26 see) and the right 19 arms between the top part of an inlet collector and a head of the block of cylinders;
- Remove the top part of an inlet collector 18 together with the case throttle заслонки. Watch that unloading plugs have not jumped out. Inlet apertures are opened now, therefore close in their corresponding way, for example, having stopped up with pure rags;
- Turn away bolts of fastening 15 and uncover heads of the block of cylinders 12 together with a sealing lining 13;
- Sideways from a cover of a head of the block of cylinders disconnect the holder of an electric cable and valve EGR (the system valve рециркуляции the fulfilled gases);

Fig. 28. Partially disassembled head of the block of cylinders (the heads of a detail located on the top part have been removed): 1 — a bolt, 25 Н·м; 2 — натяжитель a belt; 3 — the distributor of giving of fuel; 4 — a sealing lining of the bottom part of an inlet collector; 5 — the bottom part of an inlet collector; 6 — an ear for lifting; 7 — a bolt, 25 Н·м; 8 — a bolt of fastening of a head of the block of cylinders; 9 — a head of the block of cylinders; 10 — a lining of a head of the block of cylinders; 11 — a bolt, 25 Н·м; 12 — the O-shaped sealing ring; 13 — the thermostat case; 14 — a bolt, 10 Н·м; 15 — the holder of a cable; 16 — a bolt, 10 Н·м; 17 — the ignition coil; 18 — bolts, 10 Н·м; 19 — the holder; 20 — a sealing ring; 21 — натяжитель chains, 30 Н·м; 22 — a bolt, 10 Н·м; 23 — the Hall gauge; 24 — распорное a ring; 25 — the O-shaped sealing ring; 26 — распорное a ring; 27 — a cover of camshafts; 28 — the O-shaped sealing ring

- Then turn on the holder 19 (fig. 28) which fixes штекерную колодку with 42 contacts, and also the additional pump of system of the cooling intended for protection of the stopped engine from an overheat;
- Disconnect штекерный a socket of the gauge of temperature of a cooling liquid;
- Remove клиновой a belt of a drive of units of the engine;
- Disconnect a reception pipe with the catalyst from a final collector;

Fig. 29. An arrangement of the coil of ignition: 1 — wire fastening; 2 — штекерная колодка; 3 — a fastening bolt

- Turn away bolts of fastening 3 (fig. 29) and disconnect the coil of ignition 17 (rice 28 see) from a head of the block of cylinders;
- Remove a steering drive (see подразд. 12.1) so that it was liberated top двухрядная a chain of asterisks of camshafts;
- Turn out натяжитель the bottom single-row chain of a drive of the intermediate shaft, located sideways on a head of the block of cylinders;
- Uncover 27 camshafts. At installation the cover should be covered by hermetic (AMV188 001 002). If the cover of a head of the block of cylinders has been removed only, and the block of cylinders did not act in film, the sealing lining of a head of the block of cylinders should be prepared for cover installation according to the recommendations resulted further;
- Disconnect from a head of the block of cylinders all electric wires;

Fig. 30. Sequence of an inhaling of bolts of fastening of a head of the block of cylinders. Отвертывание bolts it is carried out in return sequence

- In stages turn on in sequence, return specified on (fig. 30), bolts of fastening of a head of the block of cylinders;
- Remove a head of the block of cylinders. If it has become attached, on it it is possible to strike some times a plastic or rubber hammer for simplification of removal;
- If the further dismantling of a head of the block of cylinders it is necessary to remove the bottom part of an inlet collector, натяжитель a belt, the distributor of giving of fuel and others, established on a head of the block of cylinders, a detail is necessary.