Repair VW Sharan

. Diesel engines: 1,9 l TDI.
+ 1. Introduction
- 2. Engine VR6
   + 2.1. Cнятие and installation
   + 2.2. Dismantling and assemblage
   + 2.3. A head of the block of cylinders and valves
   + 2.4. Pistons and rods
   2.5. The block of cylinders
   + 2.6. A cranked shaft and radical bearings
   - 2.7. A mechanism drive газораспределения
      2.7.1. Removal of details of a drive газораспределительного the mechanism
      2.7.2. Drive installation газораспределительного the mechanism
   2.8. An intermediate shaft
   2.9. Compression check in engine cylinders
   + 2.10. System of release of the fulfilled gases
+ 3. The two-litre engine (ADY)
+ 4. System of greasing of the engine
+ 5. Cooling system
+ 6. System of injection of fuel of engine VR6
+ 7. System Simos of injection of fuel of the 2,0-litre engine
+ 8. Ignition system
+ 9. Coupling
+ 10. A mechanical 5-step transmission
+ 11. Shaft of a drive of wheels
+ 12. The steering hydraulic booster
+ 13. A forward suspension bracket
+ 14. A back suspension bracket
+ 15. Brake system
+ 16. An electric equipment
+ 17. The diesel engine
+ 18. System of greasing of the diesel engine
+ 19. System of cooling of the diesel engine
+ 20. The power supply system of the diesel engine and turbocharger
+ Maintenance service card
+ Specifications and characteristics
+ Electroschemes

Folksvagen Sharan/Sharan repair>> Engine VR6>> Mechanism drive газораспределения>> Drive installation газораспределительного the mechanism

Fig. 92. Places of marks of chains of a drive of camshafts (are shown by arrows)

If the head of the block of cylinders is not removed, chains of a drive of the mechanism газораспределения are marked (fig. 92) see and any of camshafts has not been turned, in this case it is possible to establish asterisks and chains.
If the head of the block of cylinders is removed, it is necessary to adjust precisely a mechanism drive газораспределения before to establish a head. The cranked shaft in no event cannot be scrolled, if chains are not put on asterisks of camshafts and a cranked shaft as in this case pistons will strike on valves. For this reason it is necessary to expose the piston of the first cylinder in position ВМТ. Thanks to that the engine has six cylinders, the piston of the first cylinder only on every fourth turn is in position ВМТ.
At the installation description we believe that all elements of a drive of the mechanism газораспределения are removed, as though assemblage is spent after full dismantling of the engine. For installation of a drive of the mechanism газораспределения make the following:
- Turn a cranked shaft of the engine so that the piston of the first cylinder has appeared in position ВМТ. For this purpose on the removed engine turn a cranked shaft by means of flywheel rotation, and on the established engine and the removed head of the block of cylinders include transfer and turn a nave of a forward wheel. Also it is possible to tighten temporarily гаситель fluctuations to turn a cranked shaft. As it has already been mentioned, it can be demanded to four turns before the piston of the first cylinder will appear in position ВМТ;

Fig. 91. Elements of a drive of the mechanism газораспределения: 1 — an intermediate shaft; 2 — a leading ring; 3 — a bolt, 10 Н·м; 4 — a gauge drive; 5 — a bolt, 10 Н·м; 6 — a bolt, 25 Н·м; 7 — an elastic element of the tension device; 8 — the tension device двухрядной chains, 20 Н·м; 9 — двухрядная a chain; 10 — a drive asterisk двухрядной chains; 11 — an asterisk of a drive of a single-row chain; 12 — the tension device of a chain with a boot; 13 — an asterisk of a drive of the chain, built in a cranked shaft; 14 — a single-row chain; 15 — a lath успокоителя; 16 — a special bolt, 25 Н·м; 17 — a finger with буртом, 25 Н·м; 18 — успокоитель; 19 — a bolt, 20 Н·м; 20 — asterisks of cranked shaft

Fig. 94. Alignment of labels of both chains and asterisks: A — a clamp натяжителя chains; B — an adjusting tooth of an asterisk; C — an adjusting label of an asterisk of an intermediate shaft

- Put on the bottom single-row chain of a drive of the mechanism газораспределения an asterisk 13 (fig. 91 see) cranked shaft. For this purpose check up that adjusting tooth B (fig. 94) on an asterisk of a cranked shaft is really located correctly. Tooth B — one of a teeth of an asterisk of a cranked shaft which is ground also it should settle down on one line with a joint of a cover of the radical bearing №1 if the piston of the first cylinder is in position ВМТ;

Fig. 95. An adjusting label of an asterisk of an intermediate shaft

- Establish an asterisk 11 (fig. 91) a drive of a single-row chain of an intermediate shaft see so that the adjusting label From an asterisk of an intermediate shaft stood opposite to a label on a leading ring 2 (see fig. 91). Put on an asterisk of an intermediate shaft the bottom single-row chain (fig. 95);
- If the old chain, that is established, establishing it, it is necessary to observe the direction of movement marked earlier (fig. 92 see);
- Put on a small asterisk 10 (fig. 91) on an intermediate shaft see, and, having fixed an intermediate shaft in a motionless condition, turn a bolt with the moment of an inhaling 100 Н·м;
- Establish the tension device of a chain 12 (fig. 91 see) single-row chain. Tighten their bolts of fastening and fingers;
- Once again check up, whether there is an adjusting label With on the big asterisk of an intermediate shaft opposite to a label on a directing ring;
- Establish a head of the block of cylinders and turn both camshafts so that cams for valves of the first cylinder have been directed by the round party downwards (i.e. are located how they should settle down in position ВМТ);

Fig. 96. The adaptation 3268 for alignment of camshafts

- Establish on a head of the block of cylinders the adaptation 3268 (fig. 96) for alignment of camshafts;

Fig. 97. Installation of the piston of the first cylinder in position ВМТ

- Check up, that the piston of the first cylinder was in position ВМТ (the flute on a pulley of a belt drive should coincide with a label) (fig. 97);
- Put on both asterisks 20 (fig. 91) on camshafts see, and then put on двухрядную a roller chain;
- If the old chain that is established, establishing it, it is necessary to observe the direction of movement marked earlier (fig. 92 see);

Fig. 31. Components of camshafts together with covers of bearings and asterisks: 1 — a cover of the bearing of a camshaft; 2 — a nut, 20 Н·м; 3 — camshafts; 4 — asterisks of camshafts; 5 — приводной the mechanism of the gauge of the Hall; 6 — bolts, 100 Н·м

- On one of camshafts establish приводной the mechanism 5 (fig. 31 see) Hall gauge;
- Wrap both bolts of fastening of asterisks on camshafts;
- Keeping camshafts in a motionless condition with the help рожкового a key «on 24 mm», put on on шестигранник, tighten both bolts of fastening of asterisks the moment of an inhaling 100 Н·м. After an inhaling check up once again that all adjusting labels are located correctly;

Fig. 98. The hydraulic tension device of a chain: And — a place of easing of the tension device

- Establish the tension device of a chain. Located in the tension device of a chain the piston has the blocking device which does not allow to the piston to depart back. Before installation of the tension device of a chain insert a screw-driver in шлиц A (fig. 98) and turn the piston that it to unblock. Thus compress the tension device of a chain a hand. Establish the tension device on a chain and tighten bolts with the moment of an inhaling 10 Н·м;
- Twist a bolt натяжителя chains 8 (fig. 91) in a head of the block of cylinders see and tighten the moment of an inhaling 20 Н·м. Thus he will pull двухрядную a roller chain with the ordered effort that is after that it is not necessary to spend any additional adjusting works on a chain tension;
- Once again check up that the mechanism drive газораспределения is established and adjusted correctly and close the engine in front.
All further works are made in sequence, return dismantling.