Repair VW Sharan

. Diesel engines: 1,9 l TDI.
+ 1. Introduction
+ 2. Engine VR6
+ 3. The two-litre engine (ADY)
+ 4. System of greasing of the engine
+ 5. Cooling system
+ 6. System of injection of fuel of engine VR6
+ 7. System Simos of injection of fuel of the 2,0-litre engine
+ 8. Ignition system
+ 9. Coupling
+ 10. A mechanical 5-step transmission
+ 11. Shaft of a drive of wheels
+ 12. The steering hydraulic booster
+ 13. A forward suspension bracket
+ 14. A back suspension bracket
+ 15. Brake system
- 16. An electric equipment
   - 16.1. The storage battery
      16.1.1. Check АБ
   + 16.2. The generator
   + 16.3. A starter
   + 16.4. Screen wipers
   + 16.5. Headlights
   16.6. Back lanterns
   16.7. Replacement of lamps of forward indexes of turn
+ 17. The diesel engine
+ 18. System of greasing of the diesel engine
+ 19. System of cooling of the diesel engine
+ 20. The power supply system of the diesel engine and turbocharger
+ Maintenance service card
+ Specifications and characteristics
+ Electroschemes

Folksvagen Sharan/Sharan repair>> Electric equipment>> The storage battery>> Check АБ
Full check of condition АБ includes:
- Check of level of electrolit in accumulators;
- Measurement of density of electrolit in accumulators;
- Electromotive power measurement (ЭДС) АБ;
- Measurement of pressure of the battery.
Check of level of electrolit in accumulators
As it has already been told, АБ the unattended. It is filled by sulfuric acid which is diluted by the distilled water. The water part can evaporate, therefore from time to time check level of electrolit and if necessary add the distilled water as insufficient quantity of electrolit reduces service life АБ.
For check of level of electrolit turn out stoppers of jellied apertures of accumulators. A glass tube with internal diameter 3—5 mm lower in a jellied aperture of the accumulator against the stop in a safety grid, clamp a finger the top aperture of a tube and accurately take it from the accumulator. The height of a column of the electrolit which has remained in the bottom part of a tube, should be within 10—15 mm. Thus pay attention to colour of electrolit. Brown or brown colour of electrolit testifies that the active weight of positive plates was showered.
Besides on translucent case AB labels "Move" and «Мin» are put. Electrolit level is considered normal if it is between these labels.
If level of electrolit below norm, in the accumulator it is necessary to add the distilled water. Add water at the idle engine, when АБ the cold.

The note
To add in accumulators tap water it is impossible, as it contains salts and the organic substances causing fast destruction of plates and accelerated self-category АБ.

The prevention
If in АБ level of electrolit above norm the electrolit in АБ can begin to boil.

Measurement of density of electrolit
On electrolit density judge degree заряженности АБ. The more low the density, the АБ is more strongly discharged. It is possible to measure electrolit density, using ареометром or плотномером. A tube ареометра lower in the accumulator, and a rubber pear type in it electrolit until the float will not emerge. Division to which the float will be shipped, and will show electrolit density.
Measurement of density of electrolit АБ with the help плотномера is more convenient, as in it there are no glass details — the case with a tube and seven floats are executed from plastic, and, secondly, to use it easier. The figures put on the case, against each float, specify the least density at which it emerges. The float specifying density of 1,27 g/sm3, is painted in yellow or red colour. The electrolit density is defined on the emerged float with the greatest figure.
If electrolit level is small, at first add in the accumulator the distilled water and only in one and a half-two hour when water will mix up with electrolit, start density measurement.
At the received value equal of 1,28 g/sm3, АБ it is charged completely; at value of 1,12 g/sm3 — it is completely discharged.

The prevention
The electrolit density in the big degree depends on its temperature, therefore results of measurements it is necessary to lead always to temperature +25°С.

Gymnastics АБ
АБ it is possible to recharge from any source of a direct current with the pressure exceeding its rated voltage. There are two basic ways of gymnastics АБ: at a constancy of a current and at a pressure constancy.
The first way is better (from the point of view of depth and completeness of a charge), but he demands long time and the constant control of process of gymnastics. The second way though does not provide total charge АБ, but allows to support it in working order.
At gymnastics АБ it is expedient to use зарядное the device which provides charge АБ with a method of a constancy of a current.
Before gymnastics АБ execute the following:
- Remove АБ from the car or disconnect it from an onboard network;
- Turn away a stopper of jellied apertures from accumulators and simply put them on jellied apertures;
- Put around АБ newspapers or something similar as at gymnastics of electrolits almost for certain will spill;
- Provide good airing of a premise if the gymnastics are spent indoors.
Gymnastics АБ spend in a following order:
- Connect conclusions АБ to corresponding plugs зарядного devices;
- Include зарядное the device and establish force зарядного a current, equal 10 % of capacity АБ;
- During gymnastics АБ periodically check a current strength, electrolit temperature, electrolit density;

The note
If the electrolit temperature exceeds +40 ° With a charge stop, allow to electrolit to cool down to +27 ° With and again connect АБ on gymnastics.

The prevention
That there was no explosion of gases allocated in the course of gymnastics, it is impossible to bring to АБ an open flame and it is impossible to use a sampler for measurement of pressure АБ.

АБ it is considered completely charged if during 2 ч the density of electrolit and pressure of the battery is constants, and at gymnastics there is a rough gas evolution (electrolit "boiling");
- Switch off a food зарядного devices from the electric system;
- Disconnect wires зарядного devices from conclusions АБ, wrap stoppers of jellied apertures.

The prevention
It is impossible to disconnect зарядное the device which is under loading, a detachment of wires from АБ.

The note
In strongly discharged АБ the distilled water should be added only after its gymnastics as at gymnastics electrolit level strongly rises that can lead it вытеканию.

Removal and installation АБ
АБ it is located in a motor compartment of the engine and fastens a clamping lath to a tray. Before removal АБ make sure that you have a written down code of a radio tape recorder.

The prevention
At removal АБ all codes of the malfunctions which have been written down in memory ЭБУ of a control system by the engine, and also indications of electronic clock are erased.

Before removal АБ necessarily disconnect ignition and all consumers of a current.
Removal АБ spend in a following order:
- ослабьте a nut on the plug of a "minus" wire also remove the plug from conclusion АБ;
- ослабьте a nut on the plug «плюсового» wires also remove the plug from conclusion АБ;

Fig. 333. Fastening АБ: 1 — a persistent lath; 2 — a clamping lath of flange АБ; 3 — a bolt, 20 Н·м; 4 — the holder of the storage battery

- Turn out a bolt 3 (fig. 333), крепящий a clamping lath 2 below АБ, and remove it;
- Remove АБ from the car.
Before installation АБ:
- Check up a condition of polar conclusions АБ. A large white or greenish touch remove a rag moistened with hot water;
- Smooth out conclusions АБ and plugs of wires an emery paper of average granularity to metal shine;
- Wash up and wipe dry cover АБ, its lateral walls and a bottom. It will prolong tray service life on which it is established, and the metal details located in the neighbourhood;
- Check up electrolit level.
Installation АБ spend in an order, the return to removal, thus:
- Watch that АБ has been reliably fixed on a tray as its vibration causes damages of lead plates;
- Grease polar conclusions АБ with special greasing Bosh or vaseline;
- At first connect to conclusion АБ the plug «плюсового» wires, and then — "minus";
- After connection of plugs of wires with conclusions АБ both those and others cover with a protective film (greasing ПВК or ВТВ-1, "Unisma", WD-40);
- Enter a protective code into a radio tape recorder and establish time for hours.
Start of the engine with discharged АБ a method «прикуривания»

The prevention
Non-observance of the recommendations stated further can lead to failure of storage batteries, a burn of drivers and damages to chains and devices of an electric equipment of both cars.

At start-up of the engine from an extraneous energy source, for example АБ other car, consider following features:
- Use whenever possible special starting cables for «прикуривания», intended for cars with electronic ignition;
- Try to get auxiliary starting cables with copper wires inside as aluminium wires at «прикуривании» very strongly heat up, isolation as a result can fuse and at removal of wires it is possible to burn strongly;
- For the car with the engine in working volume to 2,5 l the cross-section section of a starting cable should make not less than 16 мм2. The size of its section is underlined on packing;
- The starting cable should have powerful connecting clips.
Start of the engine with discharged АБ spend in a following order:
- Adjust the car - "donor" (from which will be made «прикуривание») closely to cowl Sharan that it was possible to attach an auxiliary starting cable to discharged АБ;

The prevention
Exclude contact of bodies of cars because of short circuit possibility.

АБ both cars should have one face value of pressure — 12 In and approximately identical capacity;
- Check up electrolit level in discharged АБ. If necessary restore it, having added the distilled water;
- Check up correctness of connection АБ to an onboard network of the car;
- Discharged АБ do not disconnect from an onboard network of the car;
- It is necessary to put both cars on a lay brake, the switch of transfers of a manual transmission to translate in neutral position, and an automatic transmission — in parking position «Р»;
- Switch off ignition;
- Switch off on the car all consumers of a current;
- Check up reliability of clips and integrity of isolation of an auxiliary starting cable;
- Attach a starting cable in the following sequence:
1 — a clip «+» a cable to discharged АБ;
2 — a clip «+» a cable to charged АБ;
3 — a clip «–» a cable to charged АБ;
4 — a clip «–» a cable to "weight" of a body of the car;

The note
Before installation of clips of a starting cable exclude contact of clips among themselves and a clip «+» a starting cable with the case (a body, the engine) the car.

- Start the engine of the car - of "donor" and deduce it on a steady mode of idling;
- Start the engine of the car with discharged АБ. At start starter inclusion should not exceed 7 — 10 with;
- If the engine is not started at once, do before each new attempt a pause 30 — 40 with that the starter could cool down;
- Deduce the engine with discharged АБ on a steady mode of idling. Include on 10 15 about all consumers of the electric power of the car on the maximum capacity;
- If the engine works steadily, disconnect an auxiliary starting cable in return sequence (i.e. 4, 3, 2 and 1).
There are also other ways of start of the engine at discharged АБ.
Engine start «from a push» or at car towage are the most known in the ways of start of the engine at discharged АБ. However it is necessary to refuse these receptions, if the engine is not started because of faulty system of ignition or if АБ it is too strongly discharged (at the included ignition control lamps of devices do not burn).