Repair VW Sharan. Diesel engines: 1,9 l TDI.+ 1. Introduction + 2. Engine VR6 + 3. The two-litre engine (ADY) + 4. System of greasing of the engine + 5. Cooling system + 6. System of injection of fuel of engine VR6 + 7. System Simos of injection of fuel of the 2,0-litre engine - 8. Ignition system 8.1. The general description and work of system of ignition + 8.2. The basic knots and details of system of ignition 8.3. Safety measures at work on repair of system of ignition + 8.4. Work on repair and service of system of ignition + 8.5. The distributor of ignition of the 2,0-litre engine 8.6. Adjustment of the moment of ignition of the 2,0-litre engine - 8.7. Spark plugs 8.7.1. Appearance of a spark plug + 9. Coupling + 10. A mechanical 5-step transmission + 11. Shaft of a drive of wheels + 12. The steering hydraulic booster + 13. A forward suspension bracket + 14. A back suspension bracket + 15. Brake system + 16. An electric equipment + 17. The diesel engine + 18. System of greasing of the diesel engine + 19. System of cooling of the diesel engine + 20. The power supply system of the diesel engine and turbocharger + Maintenance service card + Specifications and characteristics + Electroschemes |
Folksvagen Sharan/Sharan repair>> Ignition system>> Spark plugs>> Appearance of a spark plug Examining any candle, first of all pay attention to a deposit. The deposit is a good conductor, therefore it is at the bottom of current leak in a candle. The current of leak at a new candle is very small and practically does not influence work of system of ignition. At operation of a candle the thickness of a deposit increases, resistance decreases, and the leak current increases. With growth of a current of leak pressure between spark plug electrodes decreases. As a result there comes such moment when the candle ceases to work.
Deposit formation on a candle insulator — the phenomenon inevitable. However, having found out a deposit, do not hurry up to clear it. At first pay attention for its thickness and colour. If the candle is covered by a thin layer of a deposit from grey-yellow to light brown colour it can to be deleted as it practically does not influence work of system of ignition. But if the thickness of a layer of a deposit is great or it of dark colour such candle needs to be cleared.
On appearance of spark plugs it is possible to define, whether normally works candles, whether they approach for this engine, whether the injection system, what condition of a working mix and an engine condition (the piston, piston rings and so on) well works.
Thus it is necessary to be guided by following rules.
The candle looks faultlessly
The thermal cone of an insulator is covered by a lung, in most cases порошкообразным for a short while from grey-yellow to the brown. Electrodes have depending on a surface of scale from grey-yellow to brown порошкообразный a touch. The internal part of the case has light brown or yellowish to a black-brown touch.
In this case the engine is perfectly in order. Warmth of combustion of candles is chosen correctly.
The candle is covered by a soot
The thermal cone of an insulator, electrodes and internal surface of the case in most cases have thick порошкообразный, a black-grey velvety touch.
The reason of it is too sated working mix, air lack, too big distance between electrodes, the candle has too high warmth of combustion and remains too cold during engine work. As the problem decision it is possible to suggest to insert a candle with other warmth of combustion.
The candle is made oily
The thermal cone of an insulator, electrodes and the candle case are covered by oily, brilliant soot (formation of an oil deposit). The engine oil which has got to the chamber of combustion or worn out cylinders and pistons can be the reason of it.
The candle overheats
The thermal cone of an insulator is covered dark brown to grey-black, стекловидным or the rigid baked touch. In most cases on the end of a thermal cone of an insulator are available thick and стекловидные formations. Electrodes, especially central, have traces of aggressive influence. A surface in most cases rough, bulked up or corroded.
The impoverished working mix, badly tightened candle, badly closed valves or candle with too low warmth of combustion which at engine work overheats can be the reason.
Clear adjournment between a porcelain insulator of the central electrode and the candle case, whenever possible, with the help пескоструйного the device. Before wrapping a candle carefully clean its carving. By all means pay attention to the inhaling moment (25 or 30 Н·м).