Repair VW Sharan

. Diesel engines: 1,9 l TDI.
+ 1. Introduction
+ 2. Engine VR6
+ 3. The two-litre engine (ADY)
+ 4. System of greasing of the engine
- 5. Cooling system
   + 5.1. A cooling liquid
   + 5.2. A radiator and the fan
   - 5.3. The pump of water cooling of the 2,0-litre engine
      5.3.1. Removal and installation of the water pump
   + 5.4. The pump of water cooling of engine VR6
   5.5. The thermostat of the 2,0-litre engine
   5.6. Engine VR6 thermostat
   5.7. A poliklinovoj belt
   5.8. The circulating pump of a cooling liquid
+ 6. System of injection of fuel of engine VR6
+ 7. System Simos of injection of fuel of the 2,0-litre engine
+ 8. Ignition system
+ 9. Coupling
+ 10. A mechanical 5-step transmission
+ 11. Shaft of a drive of wheels
+ 12. The steering hydraulic booster
+ 13. A forward suspension bracket
+ 14. A back suspension bracket
+ 15. Brake system
+ 16. An electric equipment
+ 17. The diesel engine
+ 18. System of greasing of the diesel engine
+ 19. System of cooling of the diesel engine
+ 20. The power supply system of the diesel engine and turbocharger
+ Maintenance service card
+ Specifications and characteristics
+ Electroschemes

Folksvagen Sharan/Sharan repair>> Cooling system>> The pump of water cooling of the 2,0-litre engine>> Removal and installation of the water pump
Removal of the pump of water cooling spend in a following order:
- Merge cooling liquid from cooling system (item 5.1.1 see);
- Remove gear or клиновой a belt;
- Remove a protective casing приводного a belt;

Fig. 188. The pump of water cooling of the 2,0-litre engine in the disassembled kind: 1 — a bolt, 25 Н�м; 2 — a pulley; 3 — a bolt, 10 Н�м; 4 — the water pump; 5 — a lining, replace; 6 — the thermostat; 7 — an O-shaped sealing ring, always on replacement; 8 — the connecting union; 9 — a collar; 10 — a cover of the case of the thermostat; 11 — a pulley поликлинового a belt

- Turn away bolts of fastening and remove a pulley 11 (fig. 188) the pump. To fix a pulley in motionless position, put on it клиновой a belt and clamp it a pulley. If the gear belt also fix a pulley in motionless position is established;
- ослабьте clips of hoses in places of their joining to the pump also remove hoses;

Fig. 189. An arrangement of some details of system of cooling of the 2,0-litre engine: 1 — the case throttle заслонки; 2 — an O-shaped sealing ring, always on replacement; 3 — the temperature switch (deenergizing of the conditioner and the third step of the fan of system of cooling); 4 — the gauge of temperature of a cooling liquid; 5 — a switch collar; 6 — a bolt, 10 Н�м; 7 — the holder; 8 — to the heat exchanger; 9 — from the heat exchanger; 10 — a cover of a broad tank; 11 — a broad tank; 12 — штекерная колодка, black colour; 13 — the pipeline of a cooling liquid; 14 — an oil radiator; 15 — to the bottom surface of a radiator; 16 — a bolt, 20 Н�м (and to tighten for 90 �); 17 — a bolt, 30 Н�м; 18 — a generator arm; 19 — поликлиновой a belt; 20 — the water pump; 21 — to the top party of a radiator

- Turn away bolts of fastening of the water pump 20 (fig. 189) and remove it from the engine;
- Remove an O-shaped sealing ring 2 water pumps and check up its condition.

The note
One more O-shaped sealing ring costs between an inlet pipe of the pump and the case of the water pump.

Installation of the water pump spend to sequences of return to removal, carrying out following recommendations:
- Bolts of fastening of the pump and pulley tighten the moment 20 Н�м;
- Tension клинового a belt regulate the special tension adaptation.